Want To Be NEXT?

Owners just like you BUT…
with MORE time and money freedom….
Probably a good two inches taller and 36% better lookin'...

Success stories
Here's What Our Clients Have To Say
When Spencer met Mike, he was growing fast, but making almost no profit. Payroll was a struggle. Now, he is enjoying nearly a 20% net profit and his accountant is asking how he built such a hands off business and asking if she can pitch it to a group of investors for a million bucks. How do you like them apples?
SpencerOwner, Nucleane 
When they used their Core Values to discover who they were they ran the company more like them. Core Values give them power to expect people to perform, which is such a relief. Things finally go the way they are supposed to! They help people follow through. All of this allows them to focus ON the business they want. Freedom doesn’t have a price. It’s priceless to be able to stay home and raise their kids and they feel super blessed able to help people financially.
Caitlin & AlonsoOwners of Industrial Office Cleaning 
Jason and Kim just couldn’t grow or get better. They topped out, their business was not scalable, they didn’t have any systems, and they didn’t know what to do. Before payroll was stressful, loaning money to the business. The biggest game changer for them has been the hiring funnel. Just the hiring piece has unlocked their growth potential. They started as a seven figure company and have been growing gross sales 30% every year and profit has gone up 30% as well!
Jason & Kim (Team Jim) Premier Janitorial 
My biggest struggle was the hiring process. Everything I did revolved around the hiring piece and since I met Mike, I doubled my head count! This allowed me to more than doubled my revenue and now I have a 7 figure business! Now, I have a lot more control over my time and where I want to spend it. It all started with the hiring process. This was a game changer for me.
MaryFacility Concierge Services 
The business was growing, but I was overwhelmed. Before I was cleaning 25-30 hours/ week 7 days/ week. During the day I worked all day, nearly 55-60 hours/ week. I got so overwhelmed I didn’t want to do ANYTHING during the day because I had to “save up” for the cleaning. I wasn’t answering emails/ phone calls because I didn’t want new jobs. When I met Mike, I just about doubled revenue, profit went from 9% hovering around 17%. My profit almost quadrupled.
ChrisICleaners Commercial Cleaning