Episode 806 – Why Your Thoughts Control Your Results-Part II
The Power of Getting What You Pay For
To Change Your Results, You First Have to Change Your Thoughts
Willing to Feel Negative Emotion to Change Your Results
If you are trying to stop eating sugar and a sugar craving comes, it feels like you are going to feel this way forever. That is what makes you give in to the craving because it starts to feel like you are torturing yourself (or so your monkey brain says). In reality, you are only going to feel that uncomfortable emotion for a few minutes. And the longer you go without sugar, the less you will crave it. But you have to go through those few hard days of feeling negative emotions to get a different result. The same goes for making hard changes in your busines. If you want to raise your prices, you have to be ok feeling the negative or uncomfortable emotions of possible rejection, uncomfortable conversations, and sticking to your commitment to yourself. But if you are willing to think, this will be hard but I will be grateful on the other side of it, now you are giving all the power back to yourself. That is where real growth lies.
Final Takeaway: Being willing to feel negative emotions is all you have to do to accomplish scary things in your life and in your business.
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