Episode 791 – Why You Should Always Hire More Than You Think
Hire More People Than You Think
How Do You Get People Who Work Who Don’t Want More Hours
Create Systems and Processes for Hiring
Realistically, even if you are paying for resumes to hire and you get 200 applications, it’s not even necessarily a positive thing. Because reading resumes is mind-numbing and after about 40, you can’t usually force your brain to care enough to continue to read them. And out of those resumes, chances are you aren’t going to be wowed by the majority, so you’ll likely only call a handful of them. Out of those, the number of people who show up is going to be even lower and the ones who are actually decent are lower than that. Instead, if you have a system that allows for group interviews, you can put in on the applicant to be responsible for showing up to the interview, no going through resumes required. If you can have them show up to a one-on-one interview after then and a work interview after that, chances are, this person is going to be fairly reliable. Couple all that with core values and you’ve got a pretty dynamite approach to hiring.
Final Takeaway: Hire a bigger team than you think, and make the potential candidates work for the job.
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