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Episode 748

Why Telling Yourself the Truth About Your Situation is the First Step Towards a Better One: Episode 748


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Episode 748 – Why Telling Yourself the Truth About Your Situation is the First Step Towards a Better One

Hello Cleaning Nation! Today on the podcast, we have Mike talking to our in- house mindset coach Tracey Thompson. Tracey is truly a gem when it comes to mindset, she is experienced and wise. She is here today to talk about the importance of being honest with yourself about the changes you want to see. Both in yourself and in your business. Until you get really clear on exactly what is going on, you’ll never be able to take effective steps towards the change you are hoping to see. Listen in as we Mike and Tracey chat today about how to get clear and make so headway on this issue we see over and over again in business owners just like you!

Tell the Truth About What You Really Want

If someone comes to us and tells us they know they need to make some changes, but they are dragging their feet because it’s going to be a lot of work, we can work with that. We can coach them effectively about the next steps. However, if they aren’t even truthful with themselves about what’s going on, we have to cut through all of that first. Often, we have clients who say things like, ‘I love cleaning’ or ‘it’s not so bad, things will work out eventually’. But these people aren’t being honest with themselves. Their assessments aren’t based in reality, so it’s hard to know how to help them. On the other hand, if they can be really clear on what things are like right now and what they WISH things could be like-now we have some leverage to work with.

How Do You Change Your Behavior and Be Honest with Yourself?

So, how do we change our behavior and start telling the truth about what’s happening now, and what we want in the future? It starts with recognizing the stories you are currently telling yourself. And when you tell yourself those stories, asking if they are getting you closer to becoming the version of yourself that you would like to be. For example, if you are telling yourself that you don’t mind cleaning, that it’s not that bad, are you more or less likely to do something about it? Definitely less. You are keeping yourself stuck because your brain hasn’t identified this as an important enough problem to try and get out of your current situation.

Find Someone Who Will Support You in Your New Story

The last step to changing this behavior for the good, or making real changes in your life and in your business, is to find someone who will support you in your endeavors. Someone who will encourage you and hold you accountable rather than tell you all the reasons it’s not worth it to put the work into change. Someone is happy about your successes and believes in your ability. These people will make all the difference when you decide you want to make some real changes. They will help you be more likely to succeed.

Final Takeaway: Be honest with yourself about what needs to change, then find a support system that will help bring about that change.

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

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