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Episode 855

Why Being Honest With Yourself is The First Step Towards Change: Episode 855


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Episode 855 – Why Being Honest With Yourself is The First Step Towards Change: Episode 855

Today on the podcast, we have Stephanie Ellerholtz chatting with Mike. Stephanie started her janitorial cleaning service ‘Sort of Stephanie’ in 2018 in Wixom, Michigan. She joined our Next Level program a few months back and has had a transformation experience. She is here today to talk about where she was when she started the program, and how things have changed for her as she has started to implement what she has learned into her business. These podcasts are always inspirations because they are owners of cleaning companies just like you making changes that have a huge impact on the growth and sustainability of their business. Don’t miss it!

Why Stephanie Came to Us

Every member has a different reason why they come to us for help in their business. Stephanie initially came because she wanted help to better understand her profit and loss, and how she could better keep track of her finances and know exactly what was coming in and going out of the business. As she started doing the modules, she realized that there was a lot more to her business that she could change to improve and make things run more smoothly. She has since started to implement things like hiring part-time employees and creating a more effective hiring funnel.

Getting Clear on Your Overhead

As Stephanie started gaining clarity about her finances, she began to realize that overhead is much more than just equipment and supplies you buy for your business. Overhead is also things like driving a car, putting gas in that car, buying uniforms, insurance for your employees, your cell phone, marketing costs, website creation, your computer, laptops, scheduling software costs, etc. The list can go on and on. If none of that is being factored in, you are going to be really inconsistent with the actual money you take home every month, because it will fluctuate wildly from month to month if you aren’t anticipating all of those extra expenses.

You Don’t Need Specialized Traning to Effectively Run Your Business

Before Stephanie came to us, she had a business coach for a year and a half. After learning nothing, she fired them and came to us. And although she isn’t an accountant and doesn’t have an MBA, she is learning that those kinds of things aren’t necessary to run a successful business. What you need is to find someone who has done it before and is willing to teach you the skills and techniques you need to run a successful business. Then you need to be open to doing things differently, teachable, and willing to do that work to make the changes. If you can do those things, it doesn’t matter what education you do or doesn’t have, chances are, you are going to do well. 

Final Takeaway: The first step to improvement is being honest with yourself about what changes need to be made. Then being willing to do things differently. 

Love the idea, but find it overwhelming. Want to learn the next steps like, what to actually say on the call? Jump on a call with one of our coaches and learn strategies on how to grow your cleaning company and start loving your job every day! Book here

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