Episode 871 – Why a Positive Self-Image is Essential to Having a Successful Business: Episode 871
Your Identity Contributes to Your Self Image
Be Aware That Your Self-Image Matters
Identify, the Find a Community
Once we are aware of how important our self-image is to who we are and what we are doing, we need to start to surround ourselves with people who support our decision to be different. Surprisingly, it often happens that those closest to us feel uncomfortable when we decide we want to change, that we want something better for our lives or our business. That is because they know us a certain way, and now we aren’t the same person anymore. So surrounding ourselves with people who support and understand what we are trying to accomplish can be super helpful in this scenario so that can move into that next, higher version of ourselves and feel supported while we do so.
Final Takeaway: Your self-image affects every part of our business, make sure it’s a positive one.
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