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Episode 898

When You’re Sick of Working Harder Instead of Smarter: Episode 898


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Episode 898 – When You’re Sick of Working Harder Instead of Smarter

Today on the podcast, we have Mike chatting with Irvin Ackerman. Irvin Ackerman started Environmental Cleaning in 2019 and was doing lots of big jobs that paid well, but when the job was finished so was his paycheck. He decided he wanted to set up a business model that was more sustainable rather than spending all his time looking for the next job, so he joined our Elite program. Listen in to see how what he is learning is allowing him to grow the business he’s always wanted.

What Needed to Change

Irvin was making great money when he got jobs, but the jobs were one-time, so he never had stable work. Though things were going well when he was working, he was sick of always having to look for the next project. He reached out to Mike because he knew there had to be a better way. That was when he started to understand the value of contracts.

Paradigm Shift

Irvin had read a lot of books and listened to a lot of people, but it wasn’t until his pain was intense that he really started actively looking for a change. He quit his full-time job three years ago to get out of the rat race, but then his mind was in one thousand places at once. He knew he was a good businessman, but it wasn’t until he was able to hone in on exactly what he needed- in this case, that he wanted to grow a cleaning business and get long-term contracts- that he was able to take action that he really needed to make the difference.


Something unexpected for Irvin was how helpful mindset coaching would be in this whole process. For many of us, we feel like mindset is really woo-woo and don’t really understand how it can be helpful in our business. But at the end of the day, we all have insecurities, anxieties, and limiting beliefs about ourselves. Mindset is simply the process of finding the beliefs we have that are limiting, getting rid if them, and replacing them with beliefs that are motivating. Irvin is learning the power of changing his beliefs as he continues to change his business model.

Final Takeaway: Paradigm shifts are where the magic happens.

Love the idea, but find it overwhelming? Want to learn the next steps like, what to actually say on the call? Jump on a call with one of our coaches and learn strategies on how to grow your cleaning company and start loving your job every day! Book here

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