Episode 842 – What You Need to Know Before Hiring a Marketer : Episode 842
Hire for Results
Where to Start
What to Do if You’re Not Ready to Hire a Marketer
If you aren’t ready to go all in on marketing yet and hire your own marketer, there are still things you can be doing to improve the branding of your company. The biggest thing Jered recommends is to simply start paying more attention to what is working around you. When you go on social media, pay attention to the ads that get shown to you. The cleaning industry isn’t a super creative one, so you can see what people in other fields are doing that stand out then put your own spin on it and bring that into your brand. In this way, you are creating something potential clients will resonate with and it’s completely free while you get your feet wet and until you are ready to hire a professional.
Final Takeaway: Educating yourself is a really helpful step towards preparing to bring a marketer into your company.
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