Episode 706 – Want to Hire Successfully? Get Clear on Your Systems First!
Hi Cleaning Nation! Today on the podcast, we have Lana of Genesis Cleaning. She started her business about three years ago and is moving towards hiring her first employees and feeling unsure about the process. Listen in as she gets coached on how to know whether or not she is being too picky in her hiring process and how having the right mindset going into hiring can make all the difference.
Step One to Moving On From Cleaning to Managing Your Business
The first step to moving beyond the grind of cleaning yourself, is to be fully committed to doing whatever it takes to grow your business beyond what you can do on your own. In other words, you have to be willing to let someone else do a crappy job, put your reputation on the line, and risk getting it wrong in order to get forward momentum and be able to trust the team you’re building. If you aren’t willing to try and fail a few times, you aren’t ready to get out of cleaning yet.
The More Applicants You Have, the More LIkely You Are to Find a Match
Just like when you’re dating, the more guys or gals you date, the easier it will be to know what you do and don’t want in a partner. The same theory goes for hiring an employee. The more applicants you have, the more comfortable you’ll be passing along someone who doesn’t seem like a good fit because you know more applicants will be coming soon and you’ll be able to find what you’re looking for.
The second part of that is implementing a system that will get you the amount of applicants you need to find the right fit for your company. The fastest/most effective way to do that is to pay a lead generating company like Indeed or Facebook to advertise that position for you.
Getting the “RIght’ Applicant
So how do you sift through the craplicants and those really qualified and ready to grow your business with you? It’s all in how you advertise for the position. At Grow My Cleaning Company, we know and teach the value of leading with your core values. Understanding what you want your employees to accomplish (and help you accomplish) is the first step to creating a hiring ad that will attract the right people.
Only after you’ve implemented these systems for hiring and become really clear on the kind of applicant you want as part of your team, can you start to really focus on the hiring process.
Make Sure You’re asking the Right Questions When Hiring
When I say make sure you’re asking the right questions when hiring, I’m not talking about asking the right questions to your applicants. I mean, are you asking the right questions to yourself? If you are 5 minutes into talking to someone asking yourself if they will still be working for you in 10 years, that’s the wrong question. The right question is.. Do I want to commit another hour of my time to this person? If the answer is yes, then pass them on to the next process of the interview. From there you’ll be in a position to make better decisions.
Final Takeaway
The hiring process is more about placing the right systems in place than it is conducting interviews and finding the right people. If you have enough applicants and are clear on your core values, the rest will work itself out.
committed to doing whatever it takes to grow your business beyond what you can do on your own. In other words, you have to be willing to let someone else do a crappy job, put your reputation on the line, and risk getting it wrong in order to get
Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to growmycleaningcompany.com to listen to our FREE webinar or growmycleaningcompany.com/talk and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.