Episode 844 – Using Your Higher Faculties to Problem Solve Part 1: Episode 844
How You Create Your Reality
Our Six Higher Faculties
Perception, how someone views a particular circumstance, is going to go hand in hand with how they feel about that circumstance. For example, if your perception of your current money situation is one of lack, where you feel like you are never going to have enough money, your actions are going to follow that line of thinking. You are probably more stressed about money, more easily jealous of others with money, feel pressure to hustle to make more, worry about there never being enough, etc. On the other hand, if you decide to look at your money as working for you from a place of abundance, you are going to feel much better about your situation and be more productive and effective at finding ways to grow and multiply your money in a generous and calm way. Your perception really does make all the difference.
Final Takeaway: Rather than just using your five senses to create your reality, use the higher faculties of reason, perception, will, imagination, memory, and intuition
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