Episode 656 – Tips to Attract the Best Employees for Your Cleaning Company
Hey Cleaning Nation! I am excited to welcome my new Aussie friend, Mick Manning to the podcast today. He opened his cleaning company, Science of Clean in October 2013. His business serves both residential and commercial companies.
Mick’s Favorite thing about Owning a Business
Mick’s favorite part of owning a cleaning business is the opportunity to provide jobs for people. He has been in the cleaning world for about eight years now but only recently realized that this line of work can make a big impact on people’s lives. His biggest struggle right now is how to find the right staff for his business so he can grow and provide even more jobs.
How to Find the Right Staff for your Business
In today’s climate the hiring pool is much smaller than normal. However, the people who are looking for work will be very invested in finding a job right now. When we are faced with a situation where everyone is struggling to hire, first we need to change our thinking. Looking at this as an opportunity instead of a problem will put us ahead of our competition. Even though there is a smaller pool of people looking for jobs, there are still people looking for jobs. The second thing we want to do is look for things we can offer that are not money. This is where core values come in. When you find your core values, the right people are going to be attracted to your business. This is how you compete with other companies. Another thing you can do is find a way to pay your employees more. Since this is a global issue you have the opportunity to raise your prices on your clients. This can provide you with the capital to hire better employees. That being said, money can help but the most important thing is your core values and culture.
Get Past the Fear
There is always fear around raising prices but it is important to remember that the right clients. will stay. Even if you lose a few clients they will be back. When you raise the prices and are able to hire more employees, you will be able to get more clients. If someone keeps their prices low and can’t hire employees, they won’t be able to get enough clients anyway. Another opportunity that comes with raising prices is that it will be the new price. When more and more people start to come out and look for cleaning companies you will be able to grow faster with that price.
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