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Episode 1011

The Surprising Hack for Customer Retention and More: Questions from a Facebook Live: Episode 1011


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Episode 1011 – The Surprising Hack for Customer Retention and More: Questions from a Facebook Live


In the bustling world of the cleaning industry, retaining long-term clients has become increasingly vital, especially in the post-pandemic landscape. Many cleaning companies focus solely on the quality of their services, but there’s more to client retention than meets the eye. In this blog post, we’ll explore the top three strategies to maintain long-lasting relationships with your cleaning clients, as well as insights from a recent podcast featuring Mike Campion.

Start with a Strong Sales Process:

Client retention begins with your initial sales process. Rather than trying to win clients by offering the most cleaning for the least amount of money, take a different approach. Help your potential clients understand their underlying problems and pain points. What issues are they facing that your cleaning services can solve? By deeply understanding their needs and pain, you set the stage for a strong and lasting client relationship.

Set Realistic Expectations:

Once you’ve established a clear understanding of your client’s needs, it’s crucial to set realistic expectations. Communicate clearly what your services will achieve and what clients can realistically expect. Avoid overselling or making promises you can’t keep. If you make a mistake, admit it, and work to make things right. When clients know you’re committed to their satisfaction, they’ll be more forgiving of occasional hiccups.

Consistent Fulfillment of Promises:

The key to retaining long-term clients is consistently delivering on your promises. Quality cleaning services are essential, but equally important is reliability. Ensure that you meet the standards you’ve set for yourself. If you consistently provide a level of service that aligns with your client’s expectations, they’ll be less likely to look elsewhere.

Insights from the Podcast:

The podcast also addressed other crucial questions relevant to cleaning company owners:

1. How to Get Cleaners to Care About Maintaining Standards:
It’s important to set reasonable standards that both your clients and employees can understand.

Focus on making clients feel great about the cleaning, not striving for perfection.
Hire employees with core values that align with your company’s mission and goals.

2. Pricing Formulas for Quotations in the Cleaning Industry: Pricing should be based on the cost of goods sold (labor, payroll tax, workers comp) and desired profit margin. 

A suggested formula is to multiply the cost by two to achieve a 50% Cost of Goods Sold and 50% for profit and overhead.

3. Building a Strong Online Presence for a Cleaning Business: Before focusing on an online presence, define your business goals and understand why you want to build an online brand.

Realize that having a large following doesn’t necessarily equate to a successful cleaning business. Focus on growing your cleaning company first.

4. Hiring Floaters to Cover Cleaning Shifts: Ensure you have the right number of cleaners before hiring floaters. Floaters can be hired when you have a surplus of interested employees, and they can act as backups.

Compensation for floaters can vary, but it’s essential to set clear expectations.


In the cleaning industry, client retention isn’t just about the quality of your cleaning services; it’s about understanding your client’s needs, setting realistic expectations, and consistently fulfilling your promises. By implementing these strategies and considering the insights shared in the podcast, you can build strong, long-term relationships with your clients, ensuring their satisfaction and loyalty even in a post-pandemic world.
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