Episode 764 – The Importance of Beginning with the End in Mind
Hello Cleaning Nation! Today on the podcast, we have our wonderful in-house mindset coach Tracey Thompson chatting with Ryan Zawicki. Ryan is a recent next-level member who started his commercial cleaning business in Pa Commerical Cleaning Services in June 2021 in Chester County Pennsylvania. Ryan had always had the vision to own a cleaning business but didn’t know exactly when it would happen. He has been listening to Mike’s podcast for years knowing this would eventually happen, so within six months of starting the company, he became a member of the Clean Profit Method. Ryan has a unique perspective on how to start your business on the right foot and the difference having the right systems and processes can make to help you get ahead rather than wade through lots of rookie mistakes.
Setting Up the Right Processes Initially WIll Help So Much in the Long Run
For Ryan, he knew he wanted to have the right systems and processes right away to avoid making the mistakes most new businesses make. He trusted Mike having listened to him for years before, recognized him as a true entrepreneur, and decided to take the leap off the bat to join his program. The biggest challenge for him has been to have the correct system to hire the right employees. Initially, he hired two employees that ended up not being a good fit because he didn’t have the right systems in place yet. Not only that, he hadn’t yet realized just how much work went into everything individually to really build out a solid, scalable business. But getting the hiring, the training, and the culture right in terms of getting the right employees has been huge for him.
Common Myths in the Industry
For Ryan, it has been the idea that you should do anything to get business. So, if you are commercial and a residential clean comes up, take it. What you are doing is spreading yourself too thin and you aren’t able to accurately focus. You can’t delve deep into what the customer wants and how to improve your business if the needs of your customers are always changing because you are flopping all over the industry. The more clear you can be on exactly who your target market is, the better you will be able to serve them.
Have a Plan, the Retro Engineer Backwards to Make it Happen
If you know what you want at the end of it all, it makes it so much easier to back into that plan. If you want time and financial freedom, you know you have to approach your business from the get-go as something that can be scalable and self-running. You don’t clean for 10 years and pay your bills every month. You go into it with the vision of what you ultimately want and do what needs to be done to get there.
Final Takeaway: Set up the right processes from the beginning, and have a plan so you know what you’re trying to accomplish.
Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to growmycleaningcompany.com to listen to our FREE webinar or growmycleaningcompany.com/talk and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.