Stop working IN and start working ON your business


Episode 786

Tell Yourself the Truth and Play to Your Strengths : Episode 786


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Episode 786 – Tell Yourself the Truth and Play to Your Strengths

Welcome to the podcast! Today, we have a new face here with Mike. We affectionately call her girl Jackson because we have a male Jackson on our team as well. 🙂 Jackson is one of our coaches who talks to you who are interested in joining our Clean Profit Method. She talks to so many of you and really has an understanding of what is it that is really preventing you from getting to where you want in your business. Listen in as she chats with Mike about where those blocks are really coming from and how we can help you with them.

Everything is OK

Something we see over and over again is the lie that everything is ok. We hear so often things like “ no, I really like cleaning, it’s really cathartic for me when it’s just not true. As long as you are cleaning every day of your life, you are not able to live the best version of your life. And it makes sense why we tell ourselves those stories, because if not what is going to make us get up in the morning. If we are constantly telling ourselves that we are failing because instead of running a business, we are in the trenches cleaning, it’s just not going to allow us to go where we need to go. But, if you can really be honest with yourself, that is where the power lies. That is where change and growth lie.

There Such Thing as One Solution to All the Problems?

Often, when Jackson is coaching, she has people come to her hoping she can solve all of their issues in a one-hour phone call. And if that were possible, she would. But it’s just not. Growth and problems each have their own solutions. More than that, they have their own root cause which is just as important for longevity as the problem themselves. Instead, her job is to show you where you are now, and where you can be if you choose something different.

When You Want Different Results Without Changing What You Are Doing

So often, we see people come to us who want wildly different results without doing wildly different things. They are comfortable with working, so they say they will work harder to make more happen, but that isn’t what we’re talking about. We’re talking about becoming a different version of yourself who works and shows up from a different place. And the harsh reality is, you’re not special. And we don’t mean that in a way that you don’t matter as a person. Of course, you do. We mean it to say that you aren’t the one who cleans better than anyone or has the original idea. That isn’t the fact that is going to make you successful. What makes the difference is willing to put yourself out there and use proven systems and processes that work. It’s really as simple as that.   

Channeling Your Strengths

One thing Jackson sees over and over again is the incredible work ethic cleaners have. And what she tells them is that if they would channel that incredible work ethic into real change for their business and life what they want in their lives, their results would be incredible. And the same goes for you. If you want something different for your life, you can absolutely have it. Step one is being willing to do things differently than you are currently doing them.

Final Takeaway: To get wildly different results, you have to do wildly different things.

Love the idea, but find it overwhelming? Want to learn the next steps like, what to actually say on the call? Jump on a call with one of our coaches and learn strategies on how to grow your cleaning company and start loving your job every day! Book here 

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