Episode 328 – Taking Your Cleaning Company to the Next Level
Today we’re talking with Assiatou Diallo from Taab Cleaning!
Assiatou started her business from zero after emigrating from West Africa. Her questions is one that I find a lot of cleaning nation is wondering, how does she take her business to the next level?
RESOURCE ALERT: How To Grow Your Cleaning Business
Before we dive into the three steps she needs to apply to reach her goals, let’s talk about what is going to ensure she succeeds.
Each of my coaching clients ready to take their cleaning business to the next level must:
- Want to change. I’m not asking you to change yourself, but to be committed to changing your business. If you want new results, you have to do new things.
- Be willing to learn. Expect a learning curve and be committed to the process.
- Seek more than a pay raise. More money isn’t the goal, a more efficient business is your goal. You want to have the vision to create better systems that will positively effect your paycheck.
Now, we can reach the next level. For Assiatou, the next level is for her business to make $500,000 in revenue.
These are the three steps she’ll implement to reach that goal.
Step One: Define your net revenue goals
It’s important to define your net revenue goals, not your revenue goals. The difference is that a business making $2,000,000 in revenue can be making $60,000 in net revenue per year. A $300,000 revenue business can be making $150,000 in net revenue. Don’t define your revenue goals, define your net revenue goals.
Step Two: Plan with numbers
You want a specific goal so that you can break it down to the exact number of clients you need to attain that goal. In this example, Assiatou wants to have $500,000 in net revenue. Let’s say her average client pays her $200 per month. If she is currently making $10,000 in net revenue but wants to make $20,000 in net revenue, she needs an additional $10,000 in net revenue to hit her goal. $10,000 divided by $200 per client equals 500 clients. Assiatou needs to pick up 500 more clients in the next year to make $500,000. Divide the number of clients you need by 12 months and you get 4.2 clients per month. Add 2 clients because you’ll always have turnover. Assiatou needs to pick up 6 clients per month to achieve her goal.
$10,000 (net revenue desired) /$200 (average price a client pays) = 500 new clients
500 clients/12 months = 4.2 clients/month
4.2 + 2 (for turnover) = 6 clients/month
Step Three: Create systems that support this goal
To fulfill this plan, she wants to create systems that help her. She’ll need a client attraction system that doesn’t involve her input. For example, if her only source of new clients is to attend networking events, this is a bad system. She wants to implement a system that helps her gain clients while she’s grocery shopping or getting dinner with her son. Create systems that bring in new clients and new employees on a regular basis.
Use these three steps to take your cleaning company to the next level.
Need help? Use the Clean Profit Method for a step by step strategy to grow your cleaning company.
RESOURCE ALERT: Clean Profit Method
Lightning Round:
Best advice you’ve received either personally or professionally?
Be yourself and keep helping people.
What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made in the cleaning business we can all learn from?
Strategize before you put your money anywhere.
What’s one idea cleaning nation can put into practice to improve their business or their lives immediately?
Create a system to help you plan better and figure out how to check out when you leave the office.