Stop working IN and start working ON your business


Episode 603

Systems for Success in Your Cleaning Company: Episode 603


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Episode 603 – Systems for Success in Your Cleaning Company

I remember reading the E-myth and having my mind blown about the value of franchises and systems. I had this exciting belief that if I could just get the perfect systems for my cleaning company, everything would fall into place. The problem is I didn’t feel like I knew how to make systems and I didn’t know who I could pay to make them for me. As a result, I just bumbled along taking 2 steps forward and 3 steps back, testing and failing. I had such a clear vision of how amazing and successful my business could be, and I thought if I could just work hard enough and have the right systems, I could have a world class vision. So I hired coaches, consultants, read books, did everything I knew but I still couldn’t find the secret.
I finally realized that the problem wasn’t what I was doing, it was that I didn’t believe in myself. If I couldn’t figure out how to fix this mindset, it was going to lead to burn out and more importantly, not living the life God created me to live. I went from being so passionate about my business to wanting to give up pretty frequently.
After I got divorced I had to start completely over. This forced me and gave me the opportunity to build a culture in my business. I realized that the right people with the right core values didn’t need systems. But if they are the wrong people following the wrong rules they would never follow the system anyway. That goes for me too. When I am being who I need to be everything falls into place for my business. When I wasn’t following my own rules, no “system” in the world would help. I realized I had to move from a worker with good systems to a leader who followed a belief system that would attract the right people to my business. Because of this I didn’t even have to worry about the systems because the right people would make the systems for me!!!

You are probably wondering how to get to this place. How do you find the right people for your business? I have come up with a simple framework for you to get you on the right track!

  • Get clear on your core values
  • Live them so loud and so consistently that any customer, employee, vendor, or banker would either be attracted or repelled by them.
  • Allow the amazing team of people to create the systems and processes to get the result we are all so passionate about.
  • Check out what other people are doing! has over 100 examples of people who are building their cult with their culture.
Not only did this framework make “being a leader” easy but, it attracted the people I needed and ran off the people who I didn’t. I went from a lonely frustrating journey to loving the people I serve like you and the people I serve with. Success and money were just the bonus!!

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If you want to TAKE ACTION NOW and get the systems and processes that the successful people are using click here.

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