Episode 092 – Steam Cleaning Business Planr
Steam Cleaning Business Plan
In today’s episode Mike coaches Doug Gibbony of Classic American Steam Clean www.classicamericansteam.com on how to grow his company without spending a ton of money.
Doug wants to hire more people, get more accounts and grow but wants to do it without incurring a lot of debt or cost. Mike and Doug line out a new Steam Cleaning Business Plan.
Mike wholeheartedly agrees with Doug when it comes to not taking on debt to grow your company, floor, carpet, janitorial or maid service – Mike says you better have a really good reason to take on debt to your company and the numbers better pencil out.
Listen into why you should do everything in your power to avoid taking on business debt.
The good news is you should be able to grow your business with internal cash flow.
The second piece of the puzzle is billing, learn how your billing practices can be an instant boost in cashflow.
BONUS TIP: One of the benefits for janitorial and maid service is the ongoing capital.
Listen in on how to duplicate that with floor cleaning services
Mike gives several genius ideas on how to create an annual product for floor cleaning and carpet cleaning services that will dramatically increase your monthly cash flow.
On to the topic of Growing cheap – The big concept you need to get is the only advertizing that is expensive is advertizing that doesn’t work.
Listen in to Mike’s marketing math, the answer might surprise you.
Unfortunately people always go with the cheaper option, but if it doesn’t have a return, you can’t afford it!
BONUS TIP: If you know if you put out $1 and you get $2 back, your marketing budget is infinite! So you have to know what your marketing efforts will give you in return.
Learn how to attract customers, not sell to them.
Put together a marketing plan, not just try everything a little and see what sticks.
Doug ties it all off with a big red bow with his lightning round genius.
Doug shares his wisdom in the Lightning Round
Just do it
Don’t partner with someone you don’t trust or like – a friend isn’t necessarily your best bet
Don’t be too proud to roll up your sleeves