Episode 626 –Shift from Cleaner to OWNER in Your Cleaning Company
Hey Cleaning Nation! We are with the lovely Krysta Erickson. She started her company, ELF (Edit Life’s Focus Company) in early 2020. Her motto is “We work so you can play” which I love! She serves residential clients and a lot of busy, corporate moms. She is currently in our Elite program and she is going to share how she has enjoyed it, her fears, and how she moved past them.
Why Krysta Started her Cleaning Business
Krysta was a super busy corporate mom and was so tired of coming home to a house she needed to clean. She had three kids and didn’t want to continue having people tell her what to do everyday. She had cleaning ladies for as long as she could remember and one of her favorite things about her day was coming home to a clean house. She really wanted to give that feeling to others and have more time with her kids.
Why Krysta Came to Us
A lot of times people will come to us saying that they want to own a cleaning company and the better they clean, the better the business will be. Krysta came in with a different perspective. She said that “she wanted to own a cleaning company, not clean in it.” This is what we look for! Her goal is to be completely out of cleaning by April 15th, 2021.
How Krysta Relates to Other Cleaning Business Owners
Krysta knows that after about a month of cleaning you don’t want to be cleaning anymore. Not only can it be time consuming but it can also take a toll on your body. She is a single mom and by being home with her kids for a while, something shifted in her. She didn’t want to give up time with her kids so she found another way to make money.
Did Krystas Background in Corporate Gave her a Leg Up?
She was in human resources and even though she learned a little but there, she feels like she learned more in the modules. She said that owning a cleaning company is so different from working in a corporate world, so you can’t learn everything you need to know in a corporate job. She feels that the program really laid out everything she needed to know very well and she learned so much.
How Krysta’s Working Style Changed with her Cleaning Business
Internally the core values exercise changed how she lived her life completely. Before learning about the core values she would put herself in a vulnerable spot a lot of the time and now she feels much stronger and confident. Externally she learned how to hire people well. Now she has a system and has more time because she is getting good leads.
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