Stop working IN and start working ON your business


Episode 349

Organizing Job Positions for Employees: 349 : Christina Joslyn


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Episode 349 – Organizing Job Positions for Employees

Today we’re talking with a return guest, Christina from Your Happy House Cleaner!

Christina has a great employee cleaning for her right now that she wants to transition into an administrative employee. Her question is, is this the right move?

If you’re ready to expand your team past cleaners, you need to first ask yourself if you’re really ready to do so. If you are still cleaning, the answer is no. You want to have been out of cleaning for at least one month before you a hire a new employee such as an admin.

Resource Alert:

If you are no longer cleaning, then follow this three-step system to figure out who you need to hire.

The first step is to write down all of the tasks that need to get done. For example, houses need to be cleaned, customers have to be found, supplies bought, cleaners hired, company marketed, billing organized, etc.

The second step is to put each of these tasks into one of these three boxes depending on what part of the business the task involves.


Getting Work done


Once each task is in its allocated box, you want to write down who completes the task. For example, cleaning is in the getting work done box. Who does the cleaning? A cleaner. Billing organization is in the accounting box. Who does the billing? A billing professional.

At first, you’re going to be the one doing every task in every box. What you are aiming for is to figure out who you need to hire to get the tasks completed. In Christina’s case, just because her employee is a great cleaner doesn’t mean she’s great at admin. Don’t find somebody you love and hire them just because you like them. Find somebody that knows how to get the job done and has experience doing so.

Then, spend time with that person to get them up to speed on your values and systems.

When it comes to paying them, think of your cleaning business from a 50/30/20 lens. 50% of the money you make goes towards the cost to get sold, 30% goes to overhead and 20% remains profit. This means that if you make $10,000 a month, you put $3,000 into client attraction, training, insurance, vehicles, phones, etc. Use these metrics to figure out how much money you have to pay somebody to do admin, billing, etc.

Resource Alert:

Lightning Round:

Best advice you’ve received either personally or professionally?

Get out of your own head and do it, even though you’re scared.

What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made in the cleaning business we can all learn from?

Letting fear hold me back.

What is your favorite book?

Boundaries: When To Say Yes, How To Say No by Henry Cloud

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