Episode 722 – Mike on Why Mindset is the Single BIGGEST Indicator for Success
What You Focus on Grows
An Amazing Story to Illustrate This Concept
Before Mike had this podcast, he had another one. And on that podcast, he had an American drug dealer who got caught dealing drugs in Thailand and put into prison. Thai prisons give their prisoners nothing. Not clothes, not food- or at least not enough to survive. If you don’t have someone to give you those things, you don’t have them. He also didn’t speak the Thai language. So in terms of what he could control, there wasn’t much. So he decided to focus on his sphere of influence, what he could control, which was how he spent his time.
He started to learn the Thai language. Once he could communicate, he started to reach out to lawyers and influential people. He made friends with the guards. Ultimately, he was sent back to the United States to serve his sentence and got released. But that never would have happened had he not focused on his sphere of influence and what he could control.
The Stories We Tell Ourselves
Often, we don’t tell ourselves a complete lie because our brains don’t want to believe complete lies, we tell ourselves a partial truth.
In the case of the labor market right now, we tell ourselves the government is paying people to stay how (true), it’s going to be harder to hire people (maybe partially true), I may as well shut things down because I can’t run a business like this (lie).
But what if we changed that story to something more empowering? The government is giving people money to stay home (true), It might be harder to find people to hire (maybe true). But that means that the people actually looking for a job are going to be higher caliber people looking for a purpose and a cause meaning the available pool is better than it’s ever been (maybe true and it gives you way more motivation to build your business back the way you want to).
Final Takeaway
Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to growmycleaningcompany.com to listen to our FREE webinar or growmycleaningcompany.com/talk and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.