Episode 176 – Marketing Janitorial Companies on a Budget Without Wasting...
Marketing Janitorial Made Easy
Episode 176 Randolph Wallace Lightning Commercial Cleaning Services
Randolph Wallace owner of Lightning Commercial Cleaning Services asks Mike how marketing janitorial services can grow his cleaning company. Lightning Commercial is a full service cleaning company that has focused on exterior power washing, windows, etc. Randolph would like to expand to interior janitorial services.
RESOURCE ALERT: Check out These FREE videos on how to get commercial contracts
Typically when it comes to marketing janitorial services, there are 3 steps:
Identify your ideal client/ prospect
Find out who the decision makers are
Build a relationship with the decision makers
Randolph and members of Cleaning Nation that implement Mikes coaching have already done steps 1 and 2. You have identified your niche- your ideal target customer and you know who the decision makers are and how to find them.
RESOURCE ALERT: CLICK HERE for a FREE video on janitorial marketing to niche clients
So often we focus on new customers but forget there are actually THREE ways to grow your cleaning company:
Attract new customers (you knew that one)
Get the customers you have to buy more often
Get customers to spend more when they do buy
A rookie mistake is to only focus on the first way. Today we are going to talk about janitorial marketing to make more money with the customers we have. This is much easier when you have a niche and you know their pain better than anyone else. Better than your competition and better than the prospects themselves.
Once you know your customer and your customers pain, you are positioned to offer them more services. Instead of going out and finding new customers, you can deepen your relationship with your current customers.
In addition to making more money and growing your cleaning company faster, your relationship with your customer becomes stickier. Their pain of disconnect increases when you are solving multiple issues for them. This makes it much harder for them to replace you or throw you out for a cheaper bid.
RESOURCE ALERT: For more on how to make your customer relations stickier- check out THIS PODCAST
The only caveat it- you must do everything well. Don’t offer more services that your customer wants and do a poor job. This can end up losing the entire relationship and revenue from that customer.
Let’s talk about how to go about marketing janitorial services to your current customer.
Begin by transitioning you and your company from a vendor position to a consultant. Do this by adding value. Contribute education, information and relationships instead of racing to the bottom on price. Low price is the wrong strategy and attracts the wrong customer.
Picture an iceberg. Above the water line, in the tip of the iceberg is a single prospect. Outside of the iceberg are dozens of your competitors all competing for that one job. Now picture below the water. Inside the iceberg there are dozens of prospects and only you in the water. Where do you want to be marketing janitorial services?
Below the water? Where it is just you and dozens of prospects?
Above the iceberg are customers currently looking for a janitorial company. Below the iceberg are prospects that haven’t started looking yet, but will be in the next 12 months. Your competitors are all above the water, lowering their prices for the single customer who wants to make a change now. You focus below the water. Start educating and building relationships with prospects that aren’t making a change now, but likely will in the next 12 months.
KEY POINT: Start that conversation before they go out for bid
Utilize technology to streamline your janitorial marketing efforts. Create an email sequence that educates and brings value to your perfect prospect. Ask them for their email address when they visit your website. Once they give you their info, follow up with your automated email sequence.
You can use this email sequence multiple ways:
Position yourself as a resource- not just a cleaning company
Educate them on how to effectively buy your product
Help them know like and trust you and your company
Don’t sell- just bring value.
KEY POINT: People buy when they are ready to buy, not when you are ready to sell
Instead of trying to start that consultant relationship when they are ready to buy, you have already built that relationship. Before we end our janitorial marketing conversation, Mike gives Randolph the opportunity to share his wisdom in the…
Lightning Round:
Best advice you’ve received either personally or professionally?
Continue to march 20 steps a minute – life goes on
What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made in the cleaning business we can all learn from?
Never start a job before the paperwork is final
What’s one thing Cleaning Nation can do today to improve their lives or their business?
Don’t stop at anything!