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Episode 774

How You Market Your Target Client Matters: Episode 774


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Episode 774 – How You Market Your Target Client Matters

Welcome to the podcast Cleaning Nation! Today, we have Mike chatting with Jason Behn. He started NAE Cleaning Solutions back in 2013. They serve commercial clients in Austin, Texas. Jason was on the podcast a few years ago and now he’s back with a business that’s growing more than ever but he still wants to continue to grow and has more to discuss with Mike. Listen is as they discuss getting the right client. In Jason’s case, that’s finding commercial offices that are at least 25,000 square feet and up. He’s getting the leads, now he wants to know how to hone in on the right ones.

Get Clear on Exactly Who You Are Trying to Target

For Jason, the first step towards getting these bigger clients is attracting the right bait. When you are looking for a contract that pays thousands of dollars a month, offering $50 off their first clean isn’t going to attract the right kind of people. For Jason, he is trying to attract specifically commercial buildings with tenants. Not hospitals, not restaurants, not industrial, just specifically commercial cleaners. Just knowing that is the first battle.

Get Clear on the Pain You’re Fixing

Once you know who you are targeting, get clear on the pain you will solve by cleaning for them. If it is a property manager, it is going to be a very different pain than the owner of a 50,000 square foot building. So advertising to them is going to be crucial. And in the case of Jason, Mike recommends not splitting clients by the square footage of the buildings they own or manage but into the person that he’s targeting in the first place. Targeting the property managers in one way and the owners of the buildings in another.

Be Smart With Your Marketing

In Jason’s case, he is trying to market specifically to large buildings. Rather than running really general ads, it makes sense for him to market to those people specifically in a very personalized way. He is more likely to get in front of them and to get noticed than if he puts a flyer in their mailbox or they see an ad on Facebook. Getting creative in the way you try and attract your ideal clients can make all the difference.

Final Takeaway: Be clear on who you are targeting then market to them creatively. 

Love the idea, but find it overwhelming? Want to learn the next steps like, what to actually say on the call? Jump on a call with one of our coaches and learn strategies on how to grow your cleaning company and start loving your job every day! Book here 

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