Episode 602 – How to Optimize a Landing Page for Your Cleaning Company
Hey Cleaning Nation! My name is Jered and I am the ad guy! So if you ever see an ad for a podcast, webinar, or event, that’s me! I also do tech support so I help people with their landing pages and help them get clients.
Today we are going to talk about optimizing landing pages. For the past couple months I have been helping owners of cleaning companies optimize their landing pages, find out what’s not working, what is, and getting them clients. Now I get the opportunity to share all of the information and tips I have learned with you!
One of the top questions I get asked is “what is the difference between a website and a landing page?” A website is like a giant spider web full of information. The idea is that someone would go to your website, click around, and find what they are looking for. A landing page is a space for a specific action that you want them to take. A lot of people want to run ad campaigns to their website but they really need to run ads to their land pages to make the purchase easy for the customer. A landing page invites action!
Sometimes landing pages can have some trouble converting and we immediately think it is the ad when normally it is the landing page.
Here are my top tips on how to create the best landing page.
- Your landing page needs to have ONE call to action. At Grow My Cleaning Company our first call to action is usually name and email.
- You want the pictures on your landing page to match the mood of your landing page. A landing page is specifically designed for pain or a niche.
- You want to handle objections they may have on the landing page. This helps the client understand how you are going to solve their problem. A simple way to figure this out is by asking yourself why people would come to your page and why would they leave, and what questions would they have. This allows you the opportunity to address all of those concerns before they get to the call to action.
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