Episode 51 – How to Make Cleaning Cool
How to Make Cleaning Cool
Hello Cleaning Nation!! Welcome to another super fantastic episode of the Grow My Cleaning Company Podcast!
Today your faithful host Mike Campion chats with Joshua Lammers on a topic never before covered on the show- how to make cleaning cool!
The question comes from Joshua owner of Above all Window and Cleaning Services (check out his website HERE) who wants to know how to make cleaning cool… In today’s episode Mike interview’s Joshua Lammers from Above All Window and Cleaning Services on how to make cleaning cool. Mike jumps into the deep end right away and explains the foundation of any company it’s Culture and talks about how the culture sets the tone for the company. BONUS LOVIN: Grow My Cleaning Company Core Values are: ** HAVE FUN ** ** MAKE MONEY ** ** BE REAL ** ** HELP OUT ** Listen in and discover how Core Values make your life easier and your company MORE profitable. HINT: Start with being CLEAR on your Values and make sure they are the golden thread that runs throughout your company Mike reveals some specifics on how to implement in your company
Make sure your company OOZES your Core Values
Video is a GREAT way to do this
They need to be congruent with what you actually are
You discover your Core Values (not decide)
Long story short, life is awesome when you know who you are and you get to be the same person at home, at work and everywhere else- people are drawn to authenticity! BONUS RESOURCE: Core Values are also a GREAT way to make employees happy- check out THIS PODCAST and discover how Being the awesome fellow Mike is, he continues on to share even more pearls of wisdom for integrating your Values into your company
Use Fun titles (listen in for examples)
Have fun on your website- be yourself
Post fun pictures of employees
Hold events that showcase what you believe
BONUS LOVIN: Core Values are an “All In” proposition The goal isn’t to make everyone love you (you can’t), but it is to shine loud and clear to the people who “get you” and repel the people you don’t want in your live to start with. GUARANTEED FAILURE: Try to be everything to everybody Mike even gets a little personal and shares part of his personal story and how that got him to discover his Core Values and how you can use that same process (without the brain damage he went through) to make your cleaning company the cool place you know it can be. Fear not! Mike does NOT forget the Lightning Round and Joshua brings the heat- read on for the highlights:
YOU are in charge of your destiny
Be careful growing too fast
QUOTE OF THE DAY: If you have 6 hours to chop down a tree – spend 4 hours sharpening your axe – Abraham Lincoln Before you run off to the dark corners of the internet, make sure to join our Facebook Group just for owners of cleaning companies by clicking HERE If you haven’t already subscribed to the show (and of course left us a rockin Rating and Review), be my new best friend and do that now HERE on iTunes or HERE on Stitcher- bonus points for doing both! And of course for all you videophiles out there we have an awesome YouTube Channel Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss anything and feel free to leave a question or comment- Mike answers every one of them!!