Episode 797 – How to Make a Hiring Ad That Actually Works
Why Your Current Ad Isn’t Working
Hire Someone For Their Core Values
Bring Core Values Into Your Entire Hiring Process
The goal with hiring based on core values is that people are actually excited to work for you. You want them to come to the interview thinking this is going to be different. But if they get the job and get put in a closet to watch 6 hours of dry videos about liability and the what-not-to-dos of your company, they are going to see through the ‘core value’ schtick immediately. instead, you have to weave your core values through your entire process. This is going to allow them to feel special right off the bat, and it’ll be even more likely that you both will have a positive experience.
Final Takeaway: Hire based on core values, not skill and weave those core values through your entire hiring process (and beyond)
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