Episode 215 – How To Grow Your Cleaning Business By Narrowing Your Focus
How To Grow Your Cleaning Business With Consistent Processes
Narrow Your Focus If You Want To Grow Your Cleaning Business
In this week’s podcast Mike speaks with Jason Shmerse of A Better Choice Service of the Colorado Springs area about where to begin and how to grow your cleaning business, when you are tasked with taking your small business to the next level.
Many cleaning business owners start their company with the intention of staying small, but then grow through word of mouth rather quickly. If you would like to learn how to grow your cleaning business, but are overwhelmed with the question of where to start, there are a few easy steps you can take to narrow your focus.
KEY POINT: Make sure you have a solid financial foundation, learn more HERE
You’re not going to be able to assess your growth and success well without a solid financial and accounting foundation. Cleaning business owners do not necessarily have to be geniuses at accounting and systems, but they do need to at a minimum make sure they are generating a good profit and loss balance sheet each month.
You don’t need to spend much time crunching the numbers. All you need is an hour a month to review those reports, and gain an understanding of where your focus needs to go.
Once you have your books straight, look at your profit and loss, and access where you the business could use a little help. You’ll be able to decide if you need to focus more time on operations or sales and marketing. However, make sure not to go to extremes and ignore entire parts of your business.
KEY POINT: Create consistent systems in all areas of the company
After assessing your financial reports, you’ll have a better understanding of how to grow your cleaning business. You may realize that your sales and marketing are doing great, but your operational staff is struggling. Or, perhaps operations are going well, but there is not much customer growth. Fight the temptation to focus solely on your weakness, as this will only make things worse.
Don’t go back and forth. Instead, create systems that will work in the background all the time. Don’t create a system for hiring, hire a great person, and then stop the hiring process entirely. With the same token, don’t create a successful operations strategy, and then completely neglect hiring. Create consistent systems and protocols that will always be working and helping to grow your cleaning business.
RESOURCE ALERT: Click HERE to learn how to create a systematic hiring process
Your goal should be to create repeatable, scalable, and dependable leads that come in every month.
KEY POINT: Understand Your Staff Member’s Specialties
When focusing on growth it is important to remember which portion of the business falls under operations, and which part falls under sales and marketing. Assigning your sales person a scheduling issue is only going to frustrate them. Scheduling is an operational piece and needs to be handled by someone appropriately skilled to run operations.
Large companies typically have a CFO- Chief Financial Officer, A CEO- Chief Executive Officer, A COO- Chief Operations Officer, and a CMO- Chief Marketing Advisor.
You may not be able to have an employee for each of these positions, but strive to break up tasks into these categories. Work will get done more efficiently, and business will grow more rapidly.
For example, following up with customers is a sales and marketing task. Scheduling is an operations task, and creating reports is a financial task.
Let these three easy steps be your guide when you begin to wonder how to grow your cleaning business.