Episode 811 – How to Get Your Mindset Right Around Your Sales Process
Sales is Service
A Personal Example
A woman in our program reached out during this workshop and talked about a personal example of how she struggled on a sales bid. In this scenario, she was approached at the gym by a man who was told she owned a cleaning business and that he was looking for someone to start a commercial cleaning contract in the next couple of months. She said she would get in contact with him and then he directed her to his manager in charge. She brought in her manager and they presented the bid to her. Though they seemed interested at the time and said they were interested in working with her company, it’s been a week now and she hasn’t heard back from the original contact.
As Tracey begins to coach her, she points out that rather than agreeing to go to the second point of contact, she should have tried her best to stay in contact with the original man who reached out to her personally since he was the decision-maker of the company. By distancing herself from him, it was easier for him to not reach out to her directly with any concerns she may have had, and ultimately she never ended up hearing back from him. Keeping that contact is crucial to closing a deal like this.
Final Takeaway: Always remember that sales is service, treat the process accordingly.
Love the idea, but find it overwhelming? Want to learn the next steps like, what to actually say on the call? Jump on a call with one of our coaches and learn strategies on how to grow your cleaning company and start loving your job every day! Book here