Episode 782 – How to Be in Control Regardless of Your Circumstances
We Are Meant to Be Energy Generators, Not Energy Receivers
Being Pro-actor (proactive) vs a re-actor (reactive)
Start Your Day Off Right
Another powerful thing Tracey learned was the power of starting your day off right. So, rather than rolling over to turn off your alarm and start scrolling Instagram, you are going to start your day intentionally. That means you are going to sit up in bed and start to slowly breathe. And as you breathe, you are going to choose one word for the day and be that word. So, maybe your word for the day is ‘organized’. And as you breathe slowly in and out, you are going to visualize yourself and your day and what it would look like for that day to be organized. The entire process can take less than five minutes, but that little exercise can make all the difference in terms of being intentional throughout the rest of your day. It’s powerful stuff.
Final Takeaway: Be an energy generator, not an energy taker, be proactive and not reactive, and start your day off intentionally.
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