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Episode 787

How Our Program Helps You No Matter What Stage You’re In: Episode 787


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Episode 787 – How Our Program Helps You No Matter What Stage You’re In

Hi Clean Nation! Welcome to the podcast! Today, we have our wonderful in-house mindset coach Tracey Thompson chatting with one of our amazing Elite members Richard Pooley. Richard started Cleaneerr in December of 2020. When he joined the Clean Profit Method, he was headed towards commercial but when he entered the program, decided to make the flip towards residential. Listen in as Tracey dives in with Richard about why he decided to flip, how his business is doing now and what changes he’s made to be more successful.

Chase Your Passion Not Dollar Signs

When Richard started with us at Grow My Cleaning Company, he was learning more about doing commercial cleaning only. And as he entered the program and started to learn more about core values and the importance of that, along with talking to other cleaners and hearing about their experience, he started to realize he just really had a passion for residential more than commercial. For him, it was important to help people and families. So he changed direction towards residential. Through this, he learned that it isn’t always necessary to chase dollar signs. Having a passion for what you do is just as important if not more important if you really want to be successful.

Big Shifts in the Hiring Process

One of the most helpful and transformative portions of the Clean Profit Method for Richard has been learning a better hiring process. As we all know, hiring is extremely challenging right now. Before, he was spending hours a week just going through applicants who may or may not even show up to an interview. Now, he is spending 30 minutes a week preparing for group interviews and when he shows up he talks about core values, what to expect, and moves them through the system of one on one interviews followed by a work interview. All these were things he had never done before and have made the biggest difference.

Understanding Profitability

Another big takeaway for Richard was understanding profitability. You can be making all the money in the world, but if you aren’t clear on your numbers and profitability, it won’t allow you to grow in the long run. At Grow My Cleaning Company, we teach that you need to have 50% cost of goods so you can have 20% profitability. And a big mistake people make is wanting to grow before they’re profitable. But if you aren’t profitable now, you aren’t going to be profitable when you grow.

Final Takeaway: Chase your passion, hire based on core values, and understand you profitability.

Love the idea, but find it overwhelming? Want to learn the next steps like, what to actually say on the call? Jump on a call with one of our coaches and learn strategies on how to grow your cleaning company and start loving your job every day! Book here 

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