Stop working IN and start working ON your business


Episode 322

How Mastermind Groups Benefit You featuring Walter Bergeron and Sam Frentzas: Episode 322: Mike Campion LIVE


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Episode 322 – How a Mastermind Group Can Revolutionize Your Business

Today we’re talking with Walter Bergeron and Sam Frentzas!

Walter and Sam are savvy business owners who have each built their own profitable businesses.

Walter, known as the “Ten Million Dollar Man”, has built and sold six companies. His nickname references his largest sell yet, a 10 million dollar deal. Sam worked as Director of Sales for a profitable financial information company before deciding it was time to become CEO. He left his position and established his own financial information company.

Walter and Sam share two passions, one in growing their own businesses and two in sharing what they have learned in doing so. They have created the Massive Business Growth formula that helps aspiring entrepreneurs grow profitable businesses. They both stress the importance of surrounding yourself with like minded business owners and even run their own mastermind group to help connect entrepreneurs.

RESOURCE ALERT: Get Massive Business Growth with Driving Force Company

There are two ways to surround yourself with people that can help you grow your business:

  1. Use friends and family as your mastermind group
  2. Pay for a mastermind group

Friends and family are a great start for getting an idea for how a mastermind group can grow your business. By getting together every month, quarter or half year you can compare business strategies in either their company or the company they work for. You also get a third party perspective on your business, giving valuable insight into potential changes you may not have even seen as an option prior.

With that being said, there’s a reason people pay upwards of $30,000 to attend mastermind groups. There’s a point where your business will hit the big leagues and that means you have to surround yourself with other big league players. These masterminds groups put your business strategies in front of people profiting millions of dollars a year. Third party perspectives become 10x more valuable in these groups.

I have found impactful value from participating in a mastermind group and want to bring the same impact to your business.

The Clean Profit Method is holding a live event to bring together a dozen cleaning business owners. These business owners want to grow their cleaning business, become financially free and create automated systems that cut their work hours down.

You can find more information about the Clean Profit Method Live Event here.

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