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Episode 931

Getting Specific About Business Goals: Episode 931


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Episode 931 – Getting Specific About Business Goals

Today Mike coachess Jackie, the founder of JFS, a facility services company. The conversation centers around Jackie’s transition from serving residential clients to commercial clients. Mike emphasizes the importance of having a specific goal and understanding what it takes to achieve it before making any changes in her business. Jackie reveals that her goal is to make $10,000 a month in profit, which Mike uses as the North Star to guide their discussion. He warns against the common misconception that switching from residential to commercial clients is a magic bullet for success.

Mike and Jackie discuss the differences between residential and commercial clients, highlighting the greater level of specialization and skill required for commercial cleaning. They also touch upon the importance of having the right systems in place to efficiently manage a commercial operation. Mike advises Jackie to focus on building a solid foundation, including creating standard operating procedures and hiring the right people, before expanding her client base.

This episode offers a practical discussion on upgrading a business. Mike provides valuable advice to Jackie on how to build a solid foundation and achieve her profit goal. This conversation provides useful insight and experience for anyone considering a transition from residential to a commercial business model.

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