Episode 794 – Get Your Story Straight, It Will Make All the Difference
Pay Attention to Your Self Talk When You’re Trying to Solve an Issue
How to Get Your Brain Into Problem Solving Mode
The Power of Telling Empowering Stories
During this podcast episode, if you watch it on Youtube, it’s really interesting to watch the physical change in Darline as she goes from blaming herself for not being able to hire to telling herself the truth about who she is and why someone would want to work for her. When she was telling herself it was hard and she didn’t know how to find people to hire, she just shut down. For all of 2022, she didn’t even mess with hiring because it felt too hard. But as soon as she started being honest with herself about what she really brought to the table, she lit up inside. That is the power of telling empowering stories. Of having your mindset right. Your brain believes the stories and thoughts you tell it. May as well tell it the thoughts and stories that will push it in the right direction. You will be amazed at the leverage you get when you start doing this.
Final Takeaway: The stories you tell yourself can either be the thing that is keeping you stuck or the thing that is giving you the confidence you need to move forward, think of creative solutions, and grow your business. Make them good ones.
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