Episode 499 – Does Cold Calling Work for Cleaning Companies?
False Belief – If I just had time to cold call, I could get all the leads I want.
False Belief – If I could just hire a good telemarketer, I could get all the leads I want.
False Belief – “I know a guy who built a multimillion dollar business just on telemarketing.”
False Belief – “I tried (or know a bunch of guys who tried) telemarketing and I (they) say it doesn’t work.”
False Belief – Telemarketing is too hard and shouldn’t be any part of my client attraction strategy.
YOU PERSONALLY shouldn’t be doing it consistently. Hire the best pros you can find for this (it CAN be tricky!). Again, keep in mind that telemarketing or ANYTHING shouldn’t be the ONLY strategy. The RIGHT answer is to ALWAYS be testing several strategies!
We coach you to have SEVERAL scalable, repeatable, dependable lead sources. Once you do, you can grow your company by just dialing up or down each lead source as you see fit. Not only is your company worth way more to YOU- it is worth way more to a buyer!
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