Stop working IN and start working ON your business


Episode 373

Creating Systems and Processes to Grow Your Company : 373 : Ricardo Gonzalez


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Episode 373 – Creating Systems and Processes to Grow Your Company

Today we are chatting live from the ISSA Dallas Show with Ricardo Gonzalez owner of Hygiene Merit

Ricardo grew his company from scratch and has been growing steadily every year, but wants to know what systems can you set in place to help grow your company to the next level?

Today we are going to go over a few very important things that can help you grow your business. As with most things in life, the foundation you have set up for yourself with play a critical role in growing your company. Let’s focus on a few quick tips to help you, and your business flourish.

For a lot of us, analyzing our weaknesses can be tough. But it is an important part of growing. Identifying any of your weaknesses and trying to really focus on growing past them can be very helpful in terms of growth. The earlier you start to better yourself, and figure out ways to overcome your weaknesses, the better you will be set up for the future.

Another crucial role is not just hiring your employees, but making sure you hire the right ones. Employees that don’t fit within your “Core Values” can cause a lot of trouble down the line. During your hiring process, be open about what it is your company is, and what you’re trying to accomplish. Having a strong group of determined employees can definitely make or break a company.

Resource Alert:

A lot of people fall for the mindset that ‘the more time I spend working in my business, the better.’ But that’s not entirely true. A strong entrepreneur will have a good ratio of working “In” and “on” their business. Working “in” your business, are all the shorter term items. Things like talking to customers, ordering supplies, paying bills, cleaning, etc. Whereas working “on” your business is going to be things such as strategic thinking, creating systems, hiring key people, etc. Being able to delegate smaller “in” things toward your higher level employees, and focusing more of your own personal time ON your company will make a world of difference. 

The ability to identify $10/hr tasks that you can delegate to an employee from $100 or $1000/hr tasks that you as the owner and leader need to focus on, will define your level of success.

Resource Alert:

The last topic we are going to hit before the lightning round is “boxing your time”. Having certain times in each day that you can focus 100% of your attention on certain items is key. You never want to overestimate your attention. You can never truly multitask, in reality you’re just quickly shifting focus between two separate things. Having set times to focus on particular parts of not only your company, but your personal life as well, will be incredibly beneficial.

A great example of this, is having certain times each day that you talk to your employees. A constant stream of employees contacting you trying to get your attention and help can really break up your boxed time. This is not only beneficial for you, but it will most definitely help your employees grow and improve themselves as well. As we talked about previously in this blog, foundation is key. Without proper employees that are on your same page, it can be very difficult to trust anyone to handle the smaller “in’ your business conflicts. With all this in mind, let’s head to the…

Lightning Round:

Best advice you’ve received either personally or professionally?

Connect your heart to your work, if you are passionate you will feel and work better.

What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made in the cleaning business we can all learn from?

Overthinking opportunities, and missing timeframes as well as not taking more risks.

What is your favorite book?

Instead of recommending a book, Ricardo is recommending a tool for reading books, as he struggles to find the time to read. He suggests, a site that has many different ways to consume books that may be easier than actually sitting down and reading.

… But we don’t want to leave you empty handed. So instead, we are going to recommend one of Mike’s favorite books, the Four Hour Work Week, by Tim Ferris.


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