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Episode 509

Cleaning, Coronavirus & Core Values: Episode 509: Mike Campion LIVE


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Episode 509 – CoronaVirus, Core Values & Your Cleaning Business

Today we’re jumping right into coronavirus. For this discussion, Mike is giving some information, from his perspective, on how to best LEAD and SERVE during this crazy time; what to expect and not expect; and how to come out of this event strong. Please keep in mind, as Mike mentions, that he is not a doctor or healthcare professional, and he is going by what the best minds out there have said on the subject. He is someone who has been in the cleaning business for over 20 years and these are his thoughts.

The good news and the bad news:

The first thing to remember is that this will be over! Life will eventually move on and not always be isolated like this. The bad news is that this will be hard on the economy. Nobody knows the future for sure, but the consensus is that in the best scenario, things could be better in 2-4 weeks or worst case scenario – up to 6 months. This will take some of the less committed businesses out of the industry. Businesses not willing to jump in and really do the work; stand up and lead; and really take this as an opportunity to serve at a deeper level will not make it. This will separate the wheat from the chaff. The good news is that it will take out the dabblers and people not taking the work seriously. This leaves more space for leaders in industry!

Focus on the things you have control over

This has been a theme for Cleaning Nation wince we started – whether it’s pandemics or selling cleaning services or hiring or leading your team! We’re always going to focus on the things we have influence and control over (ie – how we respond to the world and the things going on in it). We’re not going to focus on the things we cannot control. The best way to NOT lead is to have the “wait and see” or “I don’t know” attitude. Leaders on the other hand, draw a line in the sand and think “This is how I’m going to respond. I’m going to make sure I take the time to serve at a higher level and not freak out.”

A perfect example of this is our Clean Profit Live Event schedule for the end of April. As of right now, we’re going on with business as usual and holding the event. As long as the government does not recommend against it or make it illegal, and as long as the hotel stays open at that time, we’ll do it. Otherwise, if something falls out of our control, we’ll reschedule. We focus on what we CAN do and not what we can’t control.

Mike’s advice on how to come up with plans to deal with coronavirus:

Focus more time on what we can control not what we can’t. Spend ZERO seconds reading/ thinking / talking about this. That is not strategizing! Lead!! Your people need you – your team AND your clients. This is a test to serve! If you enjoyed this and would like to watch this video and others like it, click here. If you are still hungry to learn more and would like to watch our free informative webinar, head over to this link and find the most suitable time for you!

Key Takeaways

  • Focus more time on what we can control not what we can’t.
  • Spend ZERO seconds reading/ thinking / talking about this. That is not strategizing!
  • Lead!! Your people need you – your team AND your clients. This is a test to serve!

If you enjoyed this and would like to watch this video and others like it, click here. If you are still hungry to learn more and would like to watch our free informative webinar, head over to this link and find the most suitable time for you!

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