Episode 027 – Cleaning Business Hiring
Kelly Building Maintenance
Cleaning Business Hiring
The question of whether or not to hire from within or outside when planning your cleaning business hiring finally answered
There are actually only a couple exceptions to the rule when thinking about Cleaning Business Hiring.
Core Values are essential to your company and your hiring process ESPECIALLY when it comes to hiring supervisors and managers.
Not only it is important that all the front line employees share your core values, but It is mission CRITICAL that all your supervisors share your core values as well.
BONUS LOVIN: Systems are crucial to getting the right people on your team when planning your Cleaning Business Hiring
Here are some truth bombs on how to promote from within and why you should NOT hire for skill!!
Your best supervisors aren’t necessarily going to come from your best employees
Hire for attitude, shared core values and the right energy
An average employee with a strong set of systems behind them can be very successful.
Adding daily Checklists to your cleaning company hiring, can allow crucial information to flow from front line employees to supervisors to you as the owner.
BONUS LOVIN: Checklists can be used when it comes time to fire, give pay raises or promote
Here are a few more genius tips:
Give 10 compliments and encouragements before you give a correction (HINT: This works in your personal life as well)
When you do give corrections- only give one at a time
How and when to do employee reviews
If you don’t use the checklists your create, your supervisors definitely aren’t and you can just forget about employees using them.
Remember, your best supervisors are only going to do 80% of what you do and the employees under them are only going to do 80% of what the supervisor does- you must always be the shining example!
Lightning Round Genius from Nick:
Long term planning is most important
Don’t wait until you’ve sold your company to have that long term mindset
Honesty, integrity & follow up
Do what you say you are going to do
RESOURCE ALERT- The Peter Principle by Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull
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We did another podcast on cleaning business hiring that pairs quite nicely with this podcast- check it out now