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Episode 047

Choosing the Right Cleaning Employees : Episode 047: Mike Campion LIVE


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Episode 047 – Choosing the Right Cleaning Employees

Choosing the Right Cleaning Employees
Today is the day Cleaning Nation, Mike tackles the hairy topic of choosing the right cleaning employees.

Our host Mike Campion talks with Michael Frenda owner of the Thunderbird Maintenance Corporation about those pesky cleaning employees and how to choose the right ones.
If you have been in the cleaning business with cleaning employees for any length of time ,then you know that choosing the right employees can be the difference between loving life and hating the cleaning business.

Right out of the chute Mike brings the heat by explaining how data from people you have already hired can be the best path to your next best employee as well as how to know exactly where to advertise to them and what to say!

Once you know how to identify what your best (and worst) employees look like, where to find them and what to say, you are going to want to know how to be attractive to them as well as how to keep them engaged and committed when you do bring them on board.

RESOURCE ALERT: While you are thinking of advertising for employees check out THIS EPISODE on where to advertise your cleaning company

Listen to today’s episode and discover how your Core Values can be used to create a culture that will allow you to choose from the very best cleaning employees in your area.

HINT: ALL communication from your company (website, hiring ad, brochure, business cards) should be DRIPPING with your Core VAlues.

The beauty of Company Culture and Core Values are they do double duty. Not only do they attract employees that believe what you believe and share your values, they repel prospective (and current employees that are NOT a fit. )

This podcast will show you how to integrate all Core Values into your culture and make employees feel like they are a part of something special and understand that this isn’t “just another $10/ hour job.” Mike explains how you can create an environment that makes your employees feel like something bigger than themselves and treat your company as a unique opportunity instead of just another crappy paycheck.

Wanna have your mind blown around choosing the right cleaning employees?


So many owners of cleaning companies make the lethal miscalculation of assuming because they have X amount of dollars to offer for an hour of work, and people offering to take that money in exchange for work. Or the equally dangerous mistake that if you give them more money, they will perform better and/ or you will attract a higher caliber employee.

Once Mike rocks your world with all of this lovin, he dives into the actual interview process and how you can create systems in your process to help you choose the right employees for your cleaning business.

RESOURCE ALERT: Mike recommends reading Topgrading – Bradford D. Smart Ph.D for all of you who really want to dive in and create a rockstar Employee Attraction System

BONUS LOVIN: Pay close attention to gaps in work history and be very wary of lots of gaps. This is where people tend to hire their dirty little secrets

Before the episode ends, Mike warns against the evils of Warm Body Syndrome and the magic behind the 3 places, 3 people, 3 times interview concept.

Just when you think we can’t pack any more cleaning company employee goodness into twenty minutes, we invite Michael into the LIghtening Round and he shares his wisdom with Cleaning Nation with an amazing quote from the late great Jim Rohn, a quick word on marketing and sales and the importance of working on your business instead of in your business. Don’t miss out and listen in NOW.

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