Episode 523 – COVID-19 for: Commercial Cleaners
Hey Cleaning Nation! Today we’re going to have a rare instance of where we’re talking soley about the commercial side. Three huge problems commercial customers face oftentimes are how to maintain customers, get new customers and protect cash flow. If we don’t take the time to address these problems, you’ll either end up going out of business or someone will take over your clients!
False Belief - If your customers say no or they are closed, you have to lose that cash flow.
It’s our job to talk and serve every week regardless. They HAVE NEEDS. The needs might be different timing wise:they’re closed, have skeleton staff or no staff. Your customers are more confused than they’ve even been. We need to ask 3 important things: 1.) Are we cleaning for them? 2.) Are we still getting paid? 3.) Are we leading and setting ourselves as a consultant, someone they can turn to? We need to be leading this WHOLE TIME, so be proactive, be consistent, and LEAD! Lack of cleaning today does not mean lack of CASH today. NOW is when you build that relationship, NOT when things “get back to normal”
False Belief - There are no customers.
What we see in our community, especially the advanced Millionaire Mastermind group, is that mindset and beliefs are really changing their outcomes. So the first step is BELIEVE you can get more customers.While it’s true that there are fewer customers, those customer need WAY more. The customers that are out there are easier to find and have way more pain than ever before. The customers that are here now have NO budget constraints around this. There are the EXACT same number of customers with MORE needs this year, they have just changed the TIMING of their needs, so keep that in mind.
False Belief- Cashflow has to suck.
The Truth is, if you have this belief, this will be your reality no matter how much coaching we give. In reality, Cashflow needs MORE attention, focus and protection!. Just because the service isn’t happening now, they can still pay now. So here’s how we do that with integrity: take a credit for the work you’ll be doing for say a $1k account. Instead of 1k per month, think of this customer as 12k per year. When businesses open, the fear of viruses will be high as ever, so 100% of business will be needing 100% of the amount of cleaning. Let’s say when people come back, people say they need 5 times a week , when they need extreme cleaning, they have it already have credit to start it. Think of it as more of a partnership to provide service year by year. Also, now is a reasonable time to slow pay. If and when you choose to slow pay, nows the time to call them, do not wait. It’s always a good idea to be on top of P&L and now it is a MUST!
There is a tsunami of work coming to us here! Those who are ready are going to take it all and those who aren’t are going to get buried.
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