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Episode 940

A Successful Entrepreneur's Retirement Plan: Insights and Tips, Episode 940


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Episode 940 – A Successful Entrepreneur's Retirement Plan: Insights and Tips

Suzanne interviews Don, the owner of a commercial janitorial service in southeastern Pennsylvania. Don shares that his goal is to continue expanding his business and then sell it so he can retire comfortably. He also talks about his greatest success, which was increasing prices for his services in a fair manner, after years of struggling with payroll. Don credits GMCC’s mindset coaching for helping him achieve this success.

Don shares that the biggest things holding him back in achieving his goals is fear of failure and not being able to follow through with his plans. He appreciates GMCC’s program for helping him overcome this fear and move forward with improving his business.

Throughout this episode, Suzanne emphasizes the importance of having a clear plan and vision for retirement and encourages Don to think about his future activities and hobbies once he sells his business. She also encourages him to continue celebrating his successes and expressing gratitude for his achievements. Overall, the conversation provides insight into the mindset of a successful business owner and offers tips for overcoming fears and achieving goals.

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