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Episode 637

A Daily Routine to Set Yourself Up for Success in Your Cleaning Company: Episode 637


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Episode 637 – A Daily Routine to Set Yourself Up for Success in Your Cleaning Company

Hello Cleaning Nation! Today we have the amazing, the lovely, Suzanne Bandick on the podcast. She is one of our mindset coaches and one of the kindest people I know. She is going to speak on how to get new clients by changing your mindset.

How your Mindset is Affecting your Success

Have you ever had the morning where you are ready to get things done and then all of the sudden it’s the end of the day and you didn’t accomplish what you set out to do? We are going to talk about how to put systems in place that will help you change this. So how do we get out of this cycle? The number one thing that Suzanne says to do is to write out the things you need to do that day. When we write everything out it gives us the ability to focus and accomplish those goals. It is also important to break down your goals into small steps. This makes it easier to not get overwhelmed with your to do list.

How the Perfect Day Starts

The perfect day starts with the night before. 

  1. When your workday is ending look at all of the things that you have written down and decide the three most important things to do tomorrow. The three most important things to do are usually business related which will contribute a lot to your success. However, add one more item to your list that is your fun thing. After you do this write them down again. By doing this when you wake up in the morning you will have clarity on what to do that day. 
  2. As you are getting ready for bed affirm something positive about yourself and your life. Ex. “I am so excited for tomorrow because everything I touch turns to gold”. By doing this you are setting yourself up to have a productive and positive day. 
  3. Think of one to three things that you are happy about that day. Ex. “I am so happy that I got this done”. Pick your wins. An hour before bed and the first hour you wake up, turn off your phone, the news, tv, etc. That is not going to serve you and your success. A lot of what we see on our phones and the news is negative information and that affects our minds and attitudes. 
  4. Affirm a good night’s sleep and set an alarm. Make sure you set it thirty minutes early so you can have some “you time”. As soon as your alarm goes off, get out of bed. 

The person who implements these practices will attract clients. Not only will they attract clients but they will attract the right clients. 

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