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Episode 459

Add 14K/mo in Revenue AND Have All the Employees You Need: Episode 459: Mike Campion LIVE


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Episode 459 – Add 14K/mo in Revenue AND Have All the Employees You Need

Today Dallas Campbell talks about how his business has changed since going through the Grow My Cleaning Company program.  Dallas only just graduated in July 2019, but in the past few months he has added 14K in monthly revenue and now has all the employees he needs!

The Employee Struggle

Dallas explained that before he turned to Grow My Cleaning Company for help he was dealing with a couple of problems.  The first was the employees. He said he was terrified to grow because he couldn’t keep, or find, good people.  In fact, this struggle lead to his enrolling. Dallas said, “I had an employee quit and nobody to cover. It was a large account, so I was cleaning.  I was fed up. I was listening to podcasts while I was cleaning and came across your podcast. Your program had everything I needed, and within 48 hours I was enrolled.”  

Resource Alert:

Learning how to Interview

Once in the program Dallas started learning how to get employees the right way. He said what really helped was learning how to do interviews.  He explained that he had to completely change the way he did them. “The way I was doing it wasn’t working,” he said, “and I was nervous to change.  But I did and now I’ve hired some really phenomenal people because of it.  Now I’ve been able to over-hire, and the BIGGEST stress of my business is eliminated.”

Fear of the Books

The other problem that Dallas was struggling with was his books.  He was terrified of looking at them because of what he knew he would find. However, thanks to the help of the Grow My Cleaning Company program, his books are now fixed and he’s experiencing a completely different world. 

Landing the large accounts

Dallas was terrified to grow because of his struggle to get enough good employees.  He worried about who would be there to handle new accounts when he got them. Since graduating from the Grow My Cleaning Company program he now has all the employees he needs to grow and was easily able to land a big account.  “The transition was easy – this was by far the easiest start up I’ve ever done. Zero issues. Zero call outs. I’ve never experienced a start up this easy. This was a big account – I needed 5 more people – and I had them ready beforehand.  It was SO smooth, and the client is super happy.”

Taking Action

If you are struggling and know there are holes in your business that need plugging, “Take action,” Dallas encourages. “Get up and do it, even if it is out of your comfort zone.  There are many things that I was nervous and uncomfortable doing during the program, but I just did it. If you don’t you’re going to stay in that same rut.  This [Grow My Cleaning Company program] is a great source – it has everything you need.” The program has also helped him gain a lot of confidence. Dallas said, “Now I don’t worry about who is going to handle my new accounts.  But I also learned from the program how to do bids better and how to close the deal better. I’m now in a completely different playing field from the competition.”

Being Committed

If adding 14K in monthly revenue and having all the employees you need to grow is something you’d like help with achieving as well, start with the free webinar on the Grow My Cleaning Company website.  Next make the change, make a decision, come up with a plan and be committed to it. Commitment is key to the whole operation. That’s the secret.  We have systems, but commitment is the secret ingredient.   Mike shared, “We had 184 people schedule a call last month, but we only took about 10 or 12 of them into the program. There are people interested, and there are people who are committed and will do anything ‘legal, ethical and moral’.  That was Dallas. Dallas never gave up. He was coachable.”  In the program, Dallas put in the work.  “Dallas and I worked at it, went back to the data, and then got it figured it out.” Mike explained. “We give you systems and support and processes and community but it’s 100% useless until you do the work.  Dallas never gave up.”

Dallas says to other Cleaning Company owners, “You know if you’re feeling stressed.  There are other options to banging your head on the wall.  Doesn’t matter WHY you started the business. Don’t give up! Push through, take action and make some moves.”

If you enjoyed this and would like to watch the video, click here. If you are still hungry to learn more and would like to watch our free informative webinar, head over to this link and find the most suitable time for you!

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