Episode571 – Systems for hiring the best employees
Without employees you don’t have a business, you have a cleaning job.
I know sometimes it feels like it’s more work to hire employees than do the job yourself. Without good employees you have a never ending list of fires you have to put out. So today we are going to focus on hiring good employees instead of just anyone. If you want to hire the best employees these are the beliefs you need to get rid of.
- We have to get rid of the belief that hiring is hard and that is just how it is. You can have employees who bring you joy when you hire people based on core values and give them a good environment. We want to move from “They suck” to “Wow, they make my life so much better”
- We need to move from looking for the best cleaners to looking for the best team members. We do this by focusing heavily on our core values.
- Get rid of the belief that “no one wants to work with me”. This is an excuse for saying “I am not willing or able to create an environment that is attractive to the right people”. No one wants to work where they don’t feel appreciated. They want to be recognized for the greatness they have in them, especially when they don’t feel that they are great.
- It’s not about how much you pay, but who you pay. Great employees aren’t looking for a wage, they are looking for a community where they feel valued. It is much more about you instead of the story you tell yourself. If you show up the right way, you will attract the right people. You need to change your mindset from negative to positive. You WILL attract people who are like YOU.
All of this said, you will have some employees that will leave or you may find someone who was a good employee at first and turn around. However, if this is a consistent trend in your business we need to focus on these four steps. If it’s rare, that is normal. When you do these four things and focus on core values you will find yourself loving your team and your business.
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