Episode 798 – How to Write a Successful Hiring Ad Part 2
Hi Cleaning Nation! Today, we have part 2 of how to write a successful hiring ad. This part focuses more on the funnel itself and the systems you should be setting up to make sure it’s running smoothly and effectively. This episode is packed full of really applicable, tactical information that will help you set up a funnel that will keep your hiring pool full at all times.
Where to Start With Your Funnel
How Much Should You Be Paying Per Lead?
Your Hiring System
Remember the Trends
One thing that is going to be super helpful as you are setting up this system is to remember that a high turn rate in the cleaning industry is very normal. Often, about one or two times a year, cleaners will quit in bunches. So you may have three cleaners quit at once. If you feel like you are comfortable with the current cleaners you have and you turn off your hiring funnel completely, when those three people quit, you’re going to be put in a really tough spot. If you understand that process and always keep your options open in terms of people you can potentially hire, you’ll never be put in that lurch of a situation. This is also the best way to avoid having to go back to cleaning yourself. You’ll never be put in a desperate situation where there’s no other option.
Final Takaway: Keep your leads low, expect 10% to show up to the interviews, and always keep a pool of potential hires for when others inevitably quit.
Love the idea, but find it overwhelming? Want to learn the next steps like, what to actually say on the call? Jump on a call with one of our coaches and learn strategies on how to grow your cleaning company and start loving your job every day! Book here