Stop working IN and start working ON your business


Episode 364

Making Connections to Property Managers : 364 : Cheri Derryberry


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Episode 364 – Making Connections to Property Managers

Today we’re chatting with return guest Cherri Derry-Berry!

Cherri has a great business model, she’s got a franchise based commercial cleaning company, that caters to clients that have no other options. For instance, she helps people who may not have their citizenship, and helps them with immigration, learning skills, and even English, to help them thrive!

Her question is how to connect with property managers.

Connecting with your clients can sometimes be difficult and scary, if you’re not completely sure how to go about it. A lot of people often wonder how to get bigger, better customers, and in this blog we can help you figure out how to do just that.

The first step is creating a niche. Gathering clients from anywhere can get overwhelming at times, and it is a lot easier to pick a smaller group of people, and grow outwards from there.

Resource Alert:

Once you’ve found your niche, you can start to really delve into their pains, as well as start building a list, which which is a great way to ease the transition from someone with a pain and no one who quite understands, to a loyal client that can provide a beneficial relationship for all involved.

Now the burning question that’s on everyone’s mind, how do I do that?!?! Well there are several different ways you can get yourself a list. The best way is to create your own. You can do this by lurking in Facebook groups, attending events, or any other way you can start to build a detailed list of people within your niche. If your niche and area are in the hundred’s than this is the way to go. Another option is to buy your list. There are people out there who may already have lists, however this information can be outdated, or even straight up wrong. The best way to have a strong list of people that you know fit your niche, is to create your own. A great resource is “Ultimate sales machine” By Chet Holmes. Click here to get it!  

Resource Alert: 

Your first goal should be to reach at least 10% of the people on your original list. Once you’ve hit that goal, and want to grow to the next 10%, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re heard everywhere. Luckily for you, there happen to be a lot of great resources that we will share with you right here!

One of the great resources is Facebook. One of the reasons Facebook is so great, is because of the sheer number of people using it daily. Lurking around groups involving your niche, and interacting and networking with potential clients is a great way to help build your own list, but more importantly a great relationship!

Another great resource is Facebook ads. You can even target ads specifically to people in your area, or to those that fit your niche!

In addition to networking on facebook, another great way to attract people is creating a podcast. This can add legitimacy to the list of reasons why a client would choose you over your competition. It becomes a lot easier to grab people’s attention by inviting someone on to your podcast, rather than cold calling trying to sell them something.

The final resource is going out to physical events near you. Meeting people and networking face to face is a great way to attract potential clients. Facebook groups, the ISSA, as well as a good ‘ol google searches are great ways to find events near you.

Resource Alert:

All of these are great ways to start building prosperous, long lasting relationship’s with your niche.

Lightning Round:

Best advice you’ve received either personally or professionally?

Keep on trucking.

What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made in the cleaning business we can all learn from?

Hiring the wrong people.

What is your favorite book?

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